I drove to work today! Yay! I never thought I'd be so glad to go to work. This whole experience has made me much more appreciative of what I am (usually) able to do and my life in general. I think I'll be much more sympathetic the next time a colleague is sick. More than three weeks of being stuck and home, unable to even read anything, has really made an impression. Birgit, Chip, and Max have been such troopers through all this BPPV business. When I was really sick and in bed, Chip kept bringing his toys to my bed and asking me to play. He would finally give up and either go to Birgit or lay down next to my bed.
I still get a little wobbly now and then and am still taking motion sickness medication (Gravol) at night, but things are so much better than they were three weeks ago! And Chip is signed up for an obedience class that starts in mid-September, so hopefully we'll be able to get everything back on track by then.
Here's a picture of BPPV from www.earsoftexas.com. The loose particles are the culprits! They send the wrong signals to the brain about your position, and you become sooo dizzy and nauseated as a result. Yuck!