Our agility class has ended for the year, and we're looking forward to picking it up again in 2010.
"Picking up" reminds me of a small business in Denver in the mid-80s, when I lived there: Poop Van Scoop. They would come to your backyard a couple of times a week and pick up dog poop. I never subscribed to the service, but I liked their ads:
"Poop Van Scoop -- We pick up where your dog left off!"
"Poop Van Scoop -- We handle gross encounters of the turd kind!"
Funny what sticks in your mind over the years. And what doesn't (like my phone number).
Chip wants to see what the heck I'm typing...
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Acting Out
It's been an interesting few weeks. Chip is doing pretty well in agility -- I seem to be the weak link. If I could only manage to stand up straight as we are going from apparatus to apparatus... I have this compulsion to bend over, like having my face closer to his is going to help in some way. I'm seriously thinking about putting duct tape down my back for the next class. Maybe pain is the answer!
The real news is Chip's new-found desire to chew on things that are not his toys. This includes my violin rosin, my memory foam pillow, and my sock. He has never done this type of stuff before... what is going on between those (big) ears?
The real news is Chip's new-found desire to chew on things that are not his toys. This includes my violin rosin, my memory foam pillow, and my sock. He has never done this type of stuff before... what is going on between those (big) ears?
Monday, November 2, 2009
Scholars in Collars
Yes, Scholars in Collars in Burlington, Ontario, is the new location for Chip's agility class. Now we have two classmates who are also being taught by Erin. We really had fun yesterday at the first class. Birgit says that she will try to come next week and take some non-flash photos for the blog.
We did have one little mishap.... Chip and I arrived for the class early, so I was trying to entertain him with his frisbee before class. Somehow, he and I lunged for the frisbee at the same time, and his teeth collided with my chin. A centimeter-long cut and plenty of blood resulted. I now look like I've been in a bar brawl. The bad thing is... I keep forgetting to tell people why I have it, and they are too polite to ask!
We did have one little mishap.... Chip and I arrived for the class early, so I was trying to entertain him with his frisbee before class. Somehow, he and I lunged for the frisbee at the same time, and his teeth collided with my chin. A centimeter-long cut and plenty of blood resulted. I now look like I've been in a bar brawl. The bad thing is... I keep forgetting to tell people why I have it, and they are too polite to ask!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Fall Colors (or Colours)
We finally got some sunshine today and raced out of the city to take advantage of it. Erin (our agility trainer) had suggested we try a hike at Mt. Nemo. It was beautiful! Now if I could only get Chip to stop pulling on the leash... Going uphill is nice, but when he pulls me downhill, things get a little scary.
Monday, October 19, 2009
More Agility!
We went to another agility session at Erin's yesterday (see more about Erin, her dogs, and her agility training at www.artofdog.weebly.com). What a great time! I can't wait for our class with Erin to start in November.
Here's a little slideshow I made, starting with some puppy pics, then our first agility session with Erin this summer, followed by the autumn session yesterday. The music is by William Coulter & Barry Phillips, so turn on your speakers! :-)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving?
Yes, it's Thanksgiving in Canada... in October. There are pumpkins everywhere. We're going to a colleague's house tonight for Thanksgiving dinner. Then we'll have U.S. Thanksgiving in November. Mmmm. 'Tis the season for significant weight gain.
Chip and I just returned from a long walk to the lake and back. The last time we were at the beach, I let him off the leash and he took off into the water like a ship going out to sea. The waves were coming in over his head -- we were afraid he would sink! Birgit finally caught up with him and went into the water after him. Today, I let him go in the water but held firmly to the other end of the leash. Until he has better recall (which seems like NEVER), no more free swims.
However, I did throw a stick into the lake, close to shore, and he retrieved it. Maybe if he focuses on retrieving something, he won't go so far out into the water. The nice thing is that he LOVES the water and really seems to enjoy swimming -- not just wading.
Next Sunday is another agility session with Erin -- can't wait!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Fall Arrives
The air is crisp, the leaves are turning, and I have a new goal of posting here at least once a week!

Chip is now 21 kg (46 pounds), but Birgit and I keep asking each other if he has grown. Apparently so, but to us he still seems so small. He is as tall as Max, though, and built like a little tank.
We've been visiting Erin for some agility training, and Chip LOVES it! I am thrilled... he actually seems to smile when he's running around, flying over the jumps. We've found out that he seems much more motivated by his frisbee than by treats, too. Now if only I can manage to move fast enough out there...
Here's a photo of Chip napping on my PJs after we returned yesterday from our agility lesson.

I'm sure Max is only napping in solidarity...

Thursday, August 20, 2009
On the Road Again

I drove to work today! Yay! I never thought I'd be so glad to go to work. This whole experience has made me much more appreciative of what I am (usually) able to do and my life in general. I think I'll be much more sympathetic the next time a colleague is sick. More than three weeks of being stuck and home, unable to even read anything, has really made an impression. Birgit, Chip, and Max have been such troopers through all this BPPV business. When I was really sick and in bed, Chip kept bringing his toys to my bed and asking me to play. He would finally give up and either go to Birgit or lay down next to my bed.
I still get a little wobbly now and then and am still taking motion sickness medication (Gravol) at night, but things are so much better than they were three weeks ago! And Chip is signed up for an obedience class that starts in mid-September, so hopefully we'll be able to get everything back on track by then.
Here's a picture of BPPV from www.earsoftexas.com. The loose particles are the culprits! They send the wrong signals to the brain about your position, and you become sooo dizzy and nauseated as a result. Yuck!
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well, our training has certainly hit a speed bump. I've developed BPPV -- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It is an inner ear disorder that results in dizziness and nausea. After experiencing these symptoms for about 10 days, I landed in the ER. Poor Birgit had to take me and stay with me for the 16-hour ordeal. Now, all I can do is sit at home and wait for the symptoms to dissipate. I do have an appointment with a specialist on Monday and am hoping he can help.
Needless to say, this has put quite a kink in our training plans. Birgit has been great about taking Chip for walks and playing ball with him. I'm hoping that we're back to training in a few weeks. In the meantime, here's a new photo of Chip and Max in the backyard.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Summer Bed

Our shower upstairs is made of natural stone, and Chip started slipping into the bathroom when we weren't looking. We found him a few times sprawled out on the cool stone, which gave me an idea. I went to the home renovation store, Rona, and bought eight 12" x 12" polished granite tiles and laid them out on plywood next to my bed. Chip loves sleeping on them! They are nice and cool and smooth, and don't seem to move around on the plywood. He's happy -- and I'm happy!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Practical Living
This weekend, Chip and I started yet another class: Practical Living. There are only three other dogs in the class and the instructor is our favorite, so I'm hoping for great things. Puppy Kindergarten and Puppy Gymboree (agility) classes went well, but now Chip is big enough (36 pounds as of last Friday) that his pulling on the leash is about to dislocate my shoulder! I'm hoping that the Practical Living class -- which focuses on things like loose leash walking and how to stop dogs from jumping up on people -- will be a big help.
I was hoping to take Chip to the beach almost every day this summer, but with Toronto's garbage strike entering its third week, I'm afraid of what we might find down there -- especially in the form of chicken bones. So we'll stick close to home for the time being. And although we started the Family Dog class a few weeks ago, it just didn't work out. Twelve dogs and one instructor in a noisy, sound-reverberating hall is not a recipe for effective learning.
After the six-week Practical Living, assuming we complete it successfully, we'll be able to sign up for a real agility class! Woo hoo!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh my. The last few weeks have flown by. Birgit's mom and nephew from Germany were here for a two-week visit, and Chip has now finished Puppy Kindergarten and Puppy Gymboree (agility) at Who's Walking Who (www.whoswalkingwho.net). Chip did ok in agility, but he really cleaned up in kindergarten -- he took home the prize on the last day of class!
Now Chip is in the six-week Family Dog class, and we have our work cut out for us. He knows the basics (sit, down, etc.) but getting him to do this stuff without being distracted is a trick. And the jumping up on people -- wow, he is sooooo excited when a person comes within paw's reach!
He's had his last puppy shots, so we're free to go to the beach now. More photos soon from Lake Ontario!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
First Try!

Here's a new photo of me and Chip as he gives his first jump a try. We were waiting for puppy class to start, and saw that some jumps were set up in the field next to the facility. Well... we couldn't resist, and had to give one a try. Okay, so maybe he didn't make it, but look at the eye contact!
We start Puppy Agility class in two weeks! Woo hoo!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
A New Pack

So last week, I packed up the Subaru Outback with lots of granola bars and Buddy's big dog crate, and headed off for Beloit, Wisconsin. Made it in 12 hours without any major problems, other than taking a wrong turn south of Chicago and driving through the city instead of around it as planned. The next day, Jackie and her daughter picked me up in their van along with Chip and his dad, Kohbayn, and we went directly to the vet to get Chip's health certificate. Then they gave me a wonderful tour of the farm -- Border Collies, sheep, goats, horses, ducks, rabbits... you name it!
Chip and I headed out for DeWitt, Michigan the next day. The pup howled like a siren in the crate for at least 30 minutes. I drove with one hand on the wheel and the other hand over one ear. We spent the night in DeWitt and made it to Toronto the next day. At the border, the Canadian officials didn't want to see any of his health info -- just the sales receipt for Chip so they could calculate how much tax I would have to pay.
So far, Chip and Max are getting along beautifully! Chip adores his new big brother, and Max is being very patient. Sometimes I think Chip sees me and Birgit as giant chew toys, but I'm told this phase will pass. Tomorrow, Chip and I go to our first puppy class at Dog Sports Centre. He is already a bruising 18 pounds @ 11 weeks old! But he is everything we had hoped for -- smart, attentive, fearless, curious, and clearly people-oriented.
The photo was taken by Birgit today as Chip surveyed his new back yard from our deck.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wisconsin Bound
Tomorrow morning at 6a I'll be hitting the road for Wisconsin to go meet Jackie and Chip. I hope to make it to Beloit by tomorrow evening. I'll visit Jackie's farm and Chip & Family on Tuesday afternoon. We've decided to take Chip for a vet's check-up and health certificate on Tuesday even though the Canadian Border website says we don't need a certificate for pups under three months. But just in case we meet up with a cranky border guard, I want to have a certificate on hand.
I sure hope that new-used Subaru doesn't have any hidden time-bomb problems lurking! Bet I don't sleep a wink tonight, I'm sooooo excited!!!
(In Jackie's photo, Chip is the purposeful-looking one with the toy.)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Guess Who?
Chip is now enrolled in the Puppy class at D.O.G. Sports Centre. The centre comes highly recommended by my vet, Barb, whom I called in a little panic yesterday. Chip will start class the week after he comes home with me. After Puppy class, we'll check out the Obedience classes, and eventually Agility.
So... I'm making a list of things to pack for the trip to Wisconsin next week to go pick up Chip. Hopefully I won't need my boots -- we got about 10 cm of snow here yesterday!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Chip in Action
Here's a short video from Jackie. I'm reading Dr. Patricia McConnell's book "For the Love of a Dog" right now, and Jackie seems to be doing everything that McConnell suggests a good breeder do in terms of giving the pups a stimulating environment full of people. Chip certainly seems to be enjoying himself!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Here's a new photo from Jackie. The rather plump pup howling away on the step may be our Chip. She says that all the pups are good, but this one certainly stands out. He is playful, powerful, can be somewhat aloof, and complains until he gets his way. Sounds like Buddy to me, but I worry that Buddy's hyper-aloofness was a bit much sometimes. He could tolerate being petted maybe 15-20 seconds, then would get up and walk off, like a cat. I'd like the new pup to be more people-oriented than that, but without being a separation anxiety candidate. Oh my... how to find a middle ground!
I've made the hotel reservations for the big trip to Wisconsin, so it looks like this is really going to happen! Max and Birgit are doing GREAT in their obedience class, and we're hoping to have everything all ready at home for Chip's arrival in April. Gee, I wonder what color we should paint his bedroom.... ok, just kidding...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Here's a new photo of the pups from Jackie. They're eating solid food now and are learning to play with each other. Speaking of solid, that handsome hunk on the left side of the photo is, we think, the future Chip Waller-Schneidmueller.
While we're waiting for Chip's arrival in April, Max and Birgit have started their Obedience class.

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Eyes Open
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thinking Ahead

Here's a new photo from Jackie, the breeder, of the male pups in her new litter. Which one will be ours???
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Male Pup #1
Here's a photo of one of Jackie's pups. The litter has four females and four males, and one of the male pups is quickly becoming bigger than the others. Hmmm.... could this one be ours? We'll see in which direction his disposition seems to be going. Jackie said that the pups will be ready to go after April 2, so I'm having fun planning the road trip to Wisconsin.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Finally... A Decision
After heming and hawing all weekend, I've finally -- with Birgit's help -- come to a decision. Although Tarquin is a GREAT dog, this could be my last opportunity to raise a dog from puppyhood. And those pups in Wisconsin share at least part of their bloodline with Buddy. Hmmm.
So I emailed Jackie Jackson, the breeder in Wisconsin, to say that we'll buy one of her puppies born on February 5 (Jackie's photo here is of the pups six days old).
But which one? And should we get a male or female? How will Max react? Oh no.... more decisions!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Today Birgit and I visited Newhope Border Collies in Hagersville, Ontario. Alice, the breeder, took us out with her five Border Collies. Her big boy Tarquin is for sale, and we wanted to meet him. He's wonderful! About 4 1/2 years old and so big, strong, and calm. And beautiful! And friendly!
So now the decision situation changes. Should I buy Tarq -- already trained, disposition known, but already almost five years old? The average lifespan for a Border Collie is 12 years. If I buy Tarq, he needs to be immediately neutered as well. Or should I buy a puppy from the very nice, very professional breeder in Wisconsin whose dogs share some of Buddy's bloodline? Her puppies were born on Wednesday this week. But then I would be faced with all the train
Amazing how complicated this process has become. As Birgit says, I'll "sleep it over."
Friday, February 6, 2009
More Decisions
For once, I'm trying to pay attention to the nagging feelings of... something... when I feel them. (Other people seem so much better at doing this than I am.) Even though Hiro is a perfectly fine dog, I have a feeling that it wouldn't work out. Of course, it has taken me five days to actually pay attention to this feeling. Cognition versus Emotion.
At first I thought it was because he isn't "Buddy Jr." -- and expecting him to be so would be terribly unfair to Hiro. But I don't think a copy of Buddy is what I'm looking for, honestly. It was great playing ball with Hiro. The problem is that I don't feel like I connected with him in the least. And knowing that he tried to bite the groomer (ok, it was his first haircut) and knowing nothing about his background... well, these things worry me.
I even called Barb, our vet, to ask her about rescue Border Collies. She suggested that Border Collies and Jack Russell Terriers found in rescue often have issues, like aggression or separation anxiety, that can be quite difficult to overcome; moreover, these two breeds in particular seem to have a high probability of such rescue issues. Not impossible to overcome by any means, but difficult.
And then there is the desire to "rescue" a homeless dog. I would so like to be able to do that. But are my training skills and time adequate to do this with a Border Collie? Gosh, Buddy wasn't a rescue and was such a handful as a puppy and young adult anyway. I would hate to take on a rescue dog and have to put him back into rescue later. On the other hand, Max was a rescue and has been a great pup.
Back and forth.
After having a long talk with Birgit, I emailed Cindy to tell her that we've decided not to adopt Hiro. That was so difficult. In the long run, though, I think it was the right decision. But we're not giving up on the Border Collie search. We have more possibilities to explore... starting tomorrow!
At first I thought it was because he isn't "Buddy Jr." -- and expecting him to be so would be terribly unfair to Hiro. But I don't think a copy of Buddy is what I'm looking for, honestly. It was great playing ball with Hiro. The problem is that I don't feel like I connected with him in the least. And knowing that he tried to bite the groomer (ok, it was his first haircut) and knowing nothing about his background... well, these things worry me.
I even called Barb, our vet, to ask her about rescue Border Collies. She suggested that Border Collies and Jack Russell Terriers found in rescue often have issues, like aggression or separation anxiety, that can be quite difficult to overcome; moreover, these two breeds in particular seem to have a high probability of such rescue issues. Not impossible to overcome by any means, but difficult.
And then there is the desire to "rescue" a homeless dog. I would so like to be able to do that. But are my training skills and time adequate to do this with a Border Collie? Gosh, Buddy wasn't a rescue and was such a handful as a puppy and young adult anyway. I would hate to take on a rescue dog and have to put him back into rescue later. On the other hand, Max was a rescue and has been a great pup.
Back and forth.
After having a long talk with Birgit, I emailed Cindy to tell her that we've decided not to adopt Hiro. That was so difficult. In the long run, though, I think it was the right decision. But we're not giving up on the Border Collie search. We have more possibilities to explore... starting tomorrow!
Monday, February 2, 2009

Yesterday we met Cindy and Chris from Border Collie Rescue of Ontario. We drove the hour or so to the SuperDogs training facility in Bowmanville, east of Toronto. The photo is from their website at www.superdogcentral.ca. We were an hour early (no excitement there, eh?), but as it turned out, so were they! Chris had to go to work earlier than he expected, and Cindy had sent us an email late the night before -- that we didn't see -- asking if we could come earlier than we had planned. Synchronicity.
So there we were, Birgit and I, sitting in the Subaru in the cold, thinking we were an hour early, and suddenly this other car pulls up in the parking lot. Cindy jumped out and came over to our car. Chris got out of the driver's seat and opened the passenger door, and out jumped Hiro. Cindy had me take the leash immediately and showed us the way inside. After years of calm Buddy on the other end of the leash, Hiro's gyrations took me a bit by surprise, but we made it inside without any problems.
The facility is huge! What a great place to train dogs. They must have every possible kind of training tool there -- hurdles, rings, tunnels, you name it. Cindy gave Hiro his favorite ball, and we were off to the races. My arm is sore today from throwing the ball so much. He is definitely ready to play! After a few throws, he started bringing the ball back to me closer, and closer, and closer, until he would run full speed toward me with the ball in his mouth and end up with his head sort of stuck in my chest as I knelt there. It was great!
But still, I do have concerns. Cindy thinks Hiro was a farm dog who spent little, if any, time inside a house. He was shocked the first time she turned on a TV, and she has found him standing on all fours on top of her kitchen counter. He also knows "sit" and "stay" in French, being from Montreal. What an interesting dog. He is really a 15-month-old blank slate. I hope I would be up to the task of training him properly. It's been a long, long time since I was in obedience school with a pup!
The next step is the home visit. Cindy and Chris will come to our house this Friday. We'll see how Max and Hiro react to each other.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
An Outing
Surfing the web several weeks ago, I found Border Collie Rescue of Ontario's website. With Birgit's encouragement, I filled out the online information for potential adopters. Well, Cindy of BCRO contacted me recently about meeting one of their dogs, Hiro. His photo here is from the BCRO website at www.bordercollierescueont.com. They do amazing work with Border Collies that need good homes. Thank goodness for such folks.
We'll go tomorrow morning to SuperDog Central in Bowmanville, ON to meet Hiro. Who knows...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Slowly Emerging
So... Birgit and I are emerging from the first several weeks of life without Buddy -- for me, after 13 years with him. The first week was punctuated with fits of sobbing each time we passed by the places he liked to curl up. We had a difficult time even venturing downstairs where he spent most of his time (a problem, since the kitchen and front door are there). I slept with his collar clutched in my hand. I dreamed of rescuing him from various perils, only to wake up and realize that there was no rescuing to be done. Eight days after his death, our wonderful vet Barb came by the house to drop off his ashes. I made it until she left, and then came another burst of emotion.
His collar is now sitting on the cedar box that holds his ashes, situated next to my favorite photo of Buddy laughing. Boy, could that dog laugh!
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